Every 3rd Saturday of August
Joroan, Tiwi, Albay

Every 3rd Saturday of August, thousands of devotees flocked to this coastal town in Albay to pay homage to the miraculous image of Our Lady of Salvation It is highlighted by a maritime procession after a mass at Joroan Church on the shores of Sogod.

The image is carried by the menfolks down to the beach where a large and well-decorated trawl boat is docked. An entourage of similarly decorated pump boats follow, carrying the pilgrims and devotees to the shores and village at Sogod where a con-celebrated mass is held again.

In itself, Joroan is a beautiful place worth visiting any time of the year, with hanging roads leading to the place and with breath-taking view of the Pacific Ocean.

View of the Pacific Ocean from Joroan.

The Church of Joroan:

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